21 Forks Market Road

May 25th, 2024 & May 26th, 2024
Saturday: 11:00am, 1:00pm & 3:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am, 1:00pm & 3:00pm

The tour will start with the histories of the First Nations who traded here for thousands of years. You’ll then hear about the outsiders who charted this territory for Europe, as well as the story of the Métis Nation, which shaped the land that would become Manitoba during the fur trade era.

La visite commencera par l’histoire des Premières Nations qui ont fait du commerce ici pendant des milliers d’années. Vous entendrez ensuite parler des étrangers qui ont cartographié ce territoire pour l’Europe ainsi que de l’histoire de la nation métisse, qui a façonné le territoire qui allait devenir le Manitoba à l’époque de la traite des fourrures.

Doors Open Winnipeg 2024 is now complete. Join us next year for Doors Open Winnipeg 2025 on May 24th and 25th!

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